Jaco is one of the most restless artist of the city who hasn’t stopped growing in the last couple of years. Jaco combines the cold of the post-punk and industrial with the warm basses of hip hop. Armed with his knifes, metal pieces, drum machine and samplers he builds a minimalist deep musical background for his enigmatic lyrics, formed by referencies and memories that mix together in an oniric way, creating a unique ambient.
“Some music makes such neat sense of weird sound that it’s hard to believe it consists of the sounds that make it up in the first place. Jaco’s new album ‘Los Misterios’ – a project 3 years in the making – does this. […] From rattling chains to omnipresent steppers’ booms, this album is a masterclass in textural suspense. You’re not sure if you’re in a dungeon, or a cavern, or a Spaniesh medieval stasis machine.” (Juno Best Albums of the Week)
“Un combinado de sonidos post-industriales, post-punk, dub y bass music, estilos todos ellos que campan a sus anchas, cada uno por un lado, para generar unas texturas inauditas y más propias de una película vanguardista o surrealista que de una canción al uso. […] Si las canciones pop te parecen agotadas y repetitivas, si te cansan las melodías mil veces escuchadas y te apetece aventurarte en un disco cuyas canciones se rompen como cristales, afrontando el peligro de cortarte con ellas, quizás debas darle una oportunidad a este Los Misterios de Jaco.” (Reseña en Muzikalia)