Viktor Lux Crux is a key figure in Barcelona’s vibrant post-industrial scene as a musician, producer and co-founder of the label Màgia Roja. He has performed more than 300 shows, almost 200 of them touring abroad in Europe and the US as Futuro de Hierro and with past bands Ordre Etern and Qa’a. Collaborator of Jochen Arbeit (Einstürzende Neubauten), Nurse With Wound, Paddy Shine and Chris Haslam (Gnod), among others he has also been the resident DJ at Màgia Roja venue for the past 5 years.
With Futuro de Hierro he mixes the legacy of Esplendor Geometrico and Throbbing Gristle with the heavyness of Swans or early Laibach and transcends the nihilism of the genere creating a cosmogony of songs where the personal, the esoteric, the present and the future intertwine. His live shows are a visceral and energetic deal, a hands-on approach to electronic music with an unseen control of rythmic feedback, dynamics and noise. His music has been released in Enfant Terrible/ Gooiland Elektro, Opal Tapes and Màgia Roja.
“Los fans de Esplendor Geométrico, Throbbing Gristle, Dive o Portion Control, disfrutarán de los cuatro temas que propone el artista con sede en Barcelona y residente de Màgia Roja en los que traza una fina línea entre la sutileza y la corrosión y donde ruidos y feedbacks, a primera vista casuales, evolucionan en secuencias hipnóticas que se tornan canciones”. (Reseña en Clubbingspain)
“The rhythm is mechanical, feeding through synthesizers and on top of that Crux delivers his vocals, sung, spoken and shouting, along with a fair amount of feedback. Just as, I guess, Esplendor Geometrico once did in their earliest days. Monotonous, loud, noisy and aggressive.” (Vital Weekly Review)
” A industrial burn of visceral collaterals, crowing feedbacks. He’d quickly sculpt a chiselled beatbox into a rhythmic ransom of disjointed disforia, slash /oblique the scenery brilliantly, pinchering in the odd paramilitary jackboot, slicing in a dynamic silence to floodgate the senses seconds later in skidding frictions and torqued talon.” (Live Review on Freq.org)