Coàgul is the musical moniker of visual artist Marc O’Callaghan. With synth, vocals and bells he creates minimalist industrial music which at the same time seems medieval, almost rural, with chants and proclamations of lyrics from dark esoteric poems in Catalan. With an aesthetic between black metal and David Tibet, his themes are plagued with ancestral Mediterranean symbology, references to Tarot, surrealism and old secrets.
“Acertadamente lo han comparado con Throbbing Gristle, Suicide o Esplendor Geométrico, pero lo cierto es que este moderno profeta pagano recoge sus influencias de los mitos y filosofías más arcaicas procesándolas a través de un riguroso filtro ritual y esotérico que convierte todo lo que toca en preciosas y duras gemas de pop industrial. En su música nada es gratuito, ni estable, ni cómodo […]” (Vice Magazine)
“A harassed chorus of chained up dogs, starved grunting pigs and unidentifiable scuttling creatures that dart in and out of the darkened corners of the speakers, add a sense of forbidding dread. For an album of such miasma, fuzz and distortion – Boris without the luxury of space and time – this self-titled opus can be quite melodically pleasing at times, breaking out from the primordial soup to sniff at the passing nuclear breeze of harmony.” (Monolith Cocktail)
“It is probably the enormous energy that first springs to mind when one sees Marc O’Callaghan for the first time at a stage performance of his project Coàgul. At the same time one has the impression that the powerful electronic music of the Barcelona based atist, who repeatedly and maybe a little prematurely has been compared to classic ritual electronica such as TG or early Coil, has arisen spontaneously – arisen out of a certain mood of simply following an inner necessity.” (African Paper)
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